An Evening In Telford

An Evening In Telford

Words: Daniel Allard | Photography: Jonny Smith

So here we are again, it's the "beginning" of the show season and things are a little different here at RH, you may have noticed we didn't have a trade stand?!?.

After 6 consecutive years of trading, we are taking a break from certain shows to concentrate on other parts of the brand.  Whilst the brand continues to grow it is still a hobby/enthusiast brand with no full-time staff and things are changing. This doesn't mean that we will never trade at these events again but you will see some exciting projects unfold in our tenth year which includes focusing back on where we all started, people and their cars, the original "For Enthusiasts, By Enthusiasts" brand.

We set off early doors towards the north to catch up with our good pal, Jack Oliver Smith and his latest project, The Caprice. Jack's previous builds have been featured a good number of times on this site in the past and we will be doing another one on the Caprice very soon explaining what goes into a build just like this one. 

You can't argue that Jack is one talented individual and taught himself to create what you see here, the skill/patience to get this level of detail is awesome and we are super excited to see Jack completing his dream build. 

On the road again and another 2 hour drive, we headed to Shelvey's place to check out his 190E, we have always had a soft spot for 190E's and Selvey has nailed the 'less is more' look perfectly, clean lines, clean RS's and nice interior touches.  We will be doing another article about this car is the near future so keep your eyes peeled. 

With a good few miles put behind us, we headed over to the event to check out who's been building what, what's new for 2020 and catch up with some old friends. The build-up towards this year's event was quiet compared to the past few years and the atmosphere was rather flat on arrival. With that being said, here are some of our highlights from the event with a short shoot by Scott Pattenden coming soon. 

Show Highlight: Andi's Audi 100 Coupe.

18 months ago we heard through the grapevine that Andi acquired a new car, an Audi 100 Coupe!

and then radio silence.......

Andi's company, although named NotJustCampers are renowned for their camper conversions and work on VW Transporters. Andi has set out to change the company's path. After 18 months of blood sweat and tears, Andi surprised everyone with one hell of a build and deservedly won car of the show. 

Another reason to keep dropping by is to see this car in all its glory. 

Show Highlight: Max's Type 3 Notchback.

Another car that made its debut at the show was Max's Type 3. The car was also built in silence and kept off social media until it was on display at the show. We do hope this becomes a trend once again, it's always a nice surprise seeing cars built to this level and seeing them for the first time whilst walking around events.

Non DUBs at a DUB show.

Of course, how could we forget to show you our pick of the best none DUBs at a DUB show? 

After 7 hours of driving and near 400 miles on the road, we made it back from a very busy day doing what we loved most about RollHard, cars, meeting their owners and forming friendships, that's what RollHard was founded on and I'm happy we are returning to our roots. Whilst RH is slowing down on trading at events this year, it does rely upon your guy's support whether that is shown via a sticker or shirt. We also can't wait to show you more changes to our show.. stay tuned.

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